琴键是她的肢体琴声是她的语言钢琴是她的情与欲一个男人想控制她一个男人想了解她她把琴沉入深海握住了现世温暖 At night I think of my piano in ocean grave, and sometimes myself floating above it. Down there everything is so still and silent, I just want to sleep. There is a silence where no sound will be in a cold grave under a deep deep sea.
Nothing special到我震惊我是不是看过太多中产中年家庭危机的剧和片了and other shits too. 男主这么可悲双商低的人最后居然突然良知降临搞得一点都不丧了微妙【希望大家都学会早离婚早止损【纳粹深柜是瞎子吧就这还marine【Kevin Spacey can rot in hell