I think everybody should watch this or at least know the story behind all the big corporations: they weren't genius or hardworking people who became successful or small family businesses who really cared about giving back to the community, they were the blood-sucking lying unethical capitalists who have no honor in anything but their own pursuit of
3.5虽然内在一般但看得我很享受几个我理解的点:现实中劈腿、堕胎与戏中妻女被奸杀对位由此猜想戏中犯人其实就是对应当下的女主(GOGOGO日本免费观看);男主意淫自己杀害奸杀犯对应结局对女主的现实报复不过也可能我们都想多了TF只想说男女情爱太危险Too weak to be straight.