Florence isn't just shinny cars and ice creams, is the human form derived, the body beautiful. And you could be the part of that world. To make to create... 一群优雅女性的友谊与两个男孩的成长英 美 意 三种文化碰撞
同为LMM的作品比起《妹妹牛奶好喝还是棒棒糖好吃》我更喜欢这部(好多重合的演员)美国SUPREME大妈不仅剧情跟紧凑歌曲也更好加菲的表演很加分ITH中只有一首印象深刻的歌这部则太多了最喜欢的还是Therapy特别是歌词笑死我了:I'm saying I feel bad, that you feel bad;About me feeling bad, about you feeling bad;About what I said, about what you said;About me not being able to share a feeling