one day of all last, stubbing from the dark woods from my own, my family and my country’s past, in my hands is truth, that love grows from forgiveness, that from destruction comes renovation, that the evidence of gods exists in our connections to one another. This much, at least, I figured out. I know this much is true.
【无码】大银幕恐怖片初体验&第一部Giallo极具风格的类型电影: 饱和鲜艳的色彩迷幻诡谲的配乐(超洗脑)渲染力满分的灯光华丽的巴洛克建筑与几何色块各种cult/creepy元素放肆呈现带来极大的视听冲击也营造出一种标志性的恐怖感我虽然全程紧张捏了一把汗映前又被马可穆勒提点“还是很吓人的”(笑)但逐渐发现所有恐怖的点都有规律可循只需灯光一变歪头音乐一停闭眼催眠性指导好像也就能够enjoy hhh. 落脚点在Witch恐怖感又削弱一层以至于女主最后微笑定格“You have been watching Suspiria”字幕出现我竟还有种意犹未尽的感觉(一定是错觉)