an excellent update of Truman's World. The only regret I have is about the ending, why on earth did Guy downgrade himself as a love letter to Millie? that's like opposite to what the AI is all about. He is not just something created by Keys, he's an independent mind with his own feelings and his own world of life! Uh, this really drives me nuts
我很喜欢Cocktail这部电影节奏氛围音乐花式调酒激情而浪漫的人群对抗和追寻清醒和沉沦梦想和现实还珠野史之小燕子乾隆还有帅到爆的阿汤Oh man~ Cocktail and dreams, cocktail and dreams~
JT aurait dû aller + loin dans l'abstraction ou l'ésotérisme en érigeant le récit à 1strate formaliste au lieu de le réduire à 1simple extériorisation explicite des troubles psychologiques, propos plombé d'autant + paradoxalement par la surenchère des images superflu