In Time这个剧本真是太左了一个来自工人阶级家庭的孩子过着食不果腹的生活有一天母亲因贫病而死儿子比老公更大更硬朗这个孩子突然得到了某个上流社会人士的大笔馈赠决心向"不公"的世界挑战混入了上流社会绑架了银行家的女儿发展了罗曼蒂克而他改变世界的方式是......抢银行 发钱给穷人
真他么个人悲剧You never really knew when he was going to come to see you .You just lived in a room alone and you knew nothing about him. And if you loved him and were patient with him and even though he didn't dare ever tell you anything about him personally. Even though he may have loved you, would you go back to him?Well, how would I know that he loved me?