伊桑霍克的cc之选|妥妥的大师之作科波拉换着法来讲帮派实则讲的是年轻人受到的束缚和对自由的认知帮派斗争拍得跟热血青年干架一样对死亡、爱情和友情甚至世界的认知停留在电影小说故事的层面只有真正面对了死亡和世界才真正摆脱了条条框框看到真实的世界“Don't box me in"(马特狄龙那口音太装了哈哈哈)
though i don’t think this is a good story (overall cliche but cant tell what the ending is until the last minute of the film), i’m still drawn to its exquisite retro look, style, music, and bold yet harmonious colors applied, which are so to my taste that i can overlook its plot deficiencies. better than The Breakfast Club from the same writer imo.