4.5 my darling my blood...看到这里才能把《美女图片》/《啦啦啦资源视频在线观看8》这类批判体制的右派作品和拍《日日噜噜夜夜狠狠久久无码区》这种内核聚焦纯粹感情的作品联系到一起中间贯穿宗教线&与之游离的态度(同《国产欧美亚洲精品久久》但随处可见的十字架比较像protestant)/海明威式精神/旁白结构真的非常之老派但老派与否不重要最动人为情感力度
Disappointing. It's so much less controversial when it's presented in this way. The real storytelling is dramatized in trivial ways. Snowden himself didn't think highly of the film either because it focused more on his personal life esp. with his girlfriend.
From the start, you feel this bj is absurd and then you find that every episode is absurd and exaggerating, but damn true. it's amazing how each line makes sense and reflects everyone. Meant to watch this right before I moved to Toronto. It's been 3.5 years and I kept asking myself... how are things? Have you made today greater than yesterday?