Been perfect is not about the scoreboard out there.It is about you. It is about your relationship to your family and your friend.Because you can look in their eyes,and tell them the truth.The truth is that,you have done everythings you could.There is no more one thing you could.
“正义”虽然容易共鸣但拿捏的力度同样微妙前半段很像是《好儿子好老公好女婿》却明显更容易让观众认同后者声称自己没有叛国而无人认可前者坚持忠于国家连政府也拿她没办法这绝不仅是真实历史的差异免费看的WWW哔哩哔哩也是拍摄手法的高下结局如果把真实影像放在最后也许更妙政府试图杀一儆百女主却说I would do it again.