Panic Room is a good thriller. All the actors give great performances, with Jodie Foster and Kristen Stewart as stand outs for me, but the movie feels boring in many parts, the ending feels somewhat disappointing. Not a strong ending, which is much needed for a movie like this.
一直对农业特别是现代的大机械农业有浓厚的兴趣按哪里可以让小便失禁可能主要是因为我这方面啥都不懂五谷不分但又特别认同农业的重要性Jeremy作为一个门外汉一头扎进了农业这个极其复杂又极其讲运气的行业用自己一次一次的搞笑失败去展示农业的博大精深外加政府规章制度red tape的复杂Caleb太宝藏了节目组的运气真是好最搞笑的台词之一:Amazon says we need more diversity on this show, you see we have every type of 60 years old white British men here!