Subtle reasons, not sure what they are yet: he’s fully clothed/made-up in drag, yet he is undeniably naked; she is present, yet she’s never there. I’m lost right between her eyes and her brows, and I willingly follow her into the hour of the wol(ves).
我确实需要一部电影来舒缓我紧张纠结的神经#怎么确定顶到头了#一部没有没有高潮迭起的大场面没有跌宕起伏的情节没有科幻镜头没有生离死别有的只是生活中琐碎的镜头life can be really a mess.每个人都有自己的小情绪没有完美的人我们都有自己的小毛病关键往往在于包容在于理解可是但是然而...