This show has so much heart, had my eyes bawling multiple times. Every character is so lively. Make 20 seasons of this please and keep give qu33r and poc writers opportunity to tell our stories please. (The ending tho gave me a heart attack)
女性成长的历程就是从活出别人期待的样子到活出自己喜欢的样子不再疯狂节食、跟侃爷对战、起诉DJ性骚扰、勇敢发表政见it's not about music anymore, but more important than music这才是一个偶像应有的样子PS纪录片里面关于她创作词曲的片段真的太圈粉了又有才华又努力怎么可能不红
感觉本剧的灵感就是来自E.L. James的小说Grey: Fifty Shades of Grey as Told by Christian等于是西班牙版的五十度灰的男主视角剧集但客观讲拍得很好男主Mario Casas比Jamie Dornan帅太多而且他真的敢露敢演女主Ingrid García Jonsson也完胜Dakota Johnson就这个女主的人设才是当代独立女性的代表Dakota Johnson演的那是玛丽苏