没有想象中的那样让我捧腹大笑但台词和剧情的精妙令人叹服从喜剧的角度来看立川理惠在线播放一区可以说完胜同时期的《XXXXXL19WASWAS》卓别林始终保持自己原有的默片风格几乎没有发挥出台词的作用而刘别谦既做到了对纳粹辛辣的讽刺剧情也安排的环环相扣紧张与搞笑并存一部片里出了无数金句今后再也没办法正常听“ to be or not to be”了 第一千部电影第一部刘别谦之前还纠结看什么片作为第一千部的纪念不过纠结了半天还是顺其自然将来到看第两千部时再考虑吧
-What is it for? -I have people. I have people waiting for me. They don’t know what I do, they never will/ They’re protected. But I do what I do so they can have a better life. And if I live or if I die, it really doesn’t make a difference to me, as long as they have what they need. So when it’s my time to go, I will go knowing I did everything I could for them. Now, you ask me how I keep going? That’s how.