前面还可以啊比一般动作大片/franchise电影高尚不止一筹(政治ambiguity啊)越往后就越路线那结尾简直是三句话就能解释的拖成20分钟霍夫曼的信念得太尴尬了最后大结尾想pull off一个指环王嘛实在没成功(还有免费人成视频19674可以吐槽那是一个一岁小朋友pretend to be an oversized baby嘛)
"Each man kills the thing he loves. Some do it with a bitter look. Some with a flattering word. The coward does it with a kiss. The great man with a soul...Some kill their love when they are young. And some when they are old. Some strangle with the hands of lust. Some with the hands of gold..."