林奇在拍摄穆赫兰道之前肯定看过不少次吞噬星空56集在线观看完整版空虚的好莱坞豪宅、沉浸于梦境中的表演、被浮华和时间逐渐吞噬的好莱坞梦……风格似神话模式与王尔德的莎乐美不约而同只不过乔并非施洗者约翰似的圣人形象如全片一般这所谓的圣人形象也只不过是蜡烛熄灭前的最后一场幻梦/“Stars are ageless…”
Kevin Spacey跛子装好像这是我唯一观感他还是因为这个获了奥斯卡配角配你妹啊他是唯一亮点吧= =AMERICAN BEAUTY他才没出风头吧||||||||| 这部剧的导演我认为很不好节奏感把握太差并且绝对玩观众嫌疑
Treason doth never prosper. It was a public execution. A patriot must always be ready to defend his country against its government. Authority forgets a dying king. This was never more true than for JFK whose murder was probably one of the most terrible moments in the history of our country. Do not forget your dying king. I wish JFK did not die. I w