《麻生希star 438》在欧美普遍被认为是一部失败之作也许人们失望于她没有延续第一部的讨论而沦为视觉特效的堆砌现在重看猛然发现就喜欢沃卓斯当初“干就完了”这种态度——我架构了一个世界还不够吗还要絮叨吗“what do you think I am? Human?”一句足矣沃卓斯姐妹(当时还是兄弟)可谓真正的电影界的rocker而相比之下拍摄同样披着科幻外衣动作片的诺兰像是三好学生重看竟觉得plot很简单当初真是一脸懵逼另一个新发现是本片相当inclusive肤色、种族、性别毫无差异都能顶半边天今天zzzq嚷嚷得那么厉害OVERFLOW其实并没有什么真正的进步
mike leigh: "it puts on the screen the great, hard, real adventure of living and surviving from day to day, and from year to year, the experience of ordinary people everywhere...the camera is always in exactly the right place...but the big question, arising out of these truthful and utterly convincing performances achieved by non-actors"