德里达:“In general, I try and distinguish between what one calls the Future and 'l'avenir' (the 'to come').The future is that which—tomorrow,later,next century—will be. There is a future which is predictable, programmed,scheduled,foreseeable. But there is a future, 'l'avenir' which refers to someone who comes whose arrival is totally unexpected."
3.5在身體與精神的探討上Gaspar Noé懂得性與愛分開看;當然控制慾與嫉妒心也是同日而生的「XAXWASWASWASXILXILX68免费」即是如此一個「免费进入网站」足矣代表一切──反正不是做愛触手产卵侵犯PLAY男男就是對罵對只要你我還年輕愛戀就是個消耗品各玩各的才是最需要的刺激Just enjoy it and remember u came inside my body.