It takes three hundred years of prayers to cross a river in a boat; it takes three thousand years of prayers to share a pillow.If you grew up in a language, in which you never learned to express yourself, it would be easier to do that in a new language; it makes you a new person.
trading is just a joke only by lying you can make money in that way
题材和角度值得四五星但处理得实在太浪漫化和温情脉脉了矛盾的埋入太过生硬情感的升华也着重于煽情套路还是Driving Miss Daisy以来的套路黄秋生的表演还是感人至深自年轻以来倜傥浮浪无根的花花公子到孤苦无依的瘫痪老人无一不是半真实半演绎的写照故事背后的港人故事更值得唏嘘无论是半山Banker还是郊区街坊富贵显要者为钱势所倚赖贫困潦倒者为无能所踯躅而无一不是被困在这座城市里也许不能选择是否被困但是可以选择如何坐在轮椅上漂亮的家教如何生活漂亮的家教如何面对