Best black romantic comedy of all time? Hal Ashby tries for something so far-fetched, so absurd and subversive that it will only resonate with a few. Its ambition and aesthetics are reminiscent of Dadaism, while its dandy characters feel like the eccentric successors of Des Esseintes from “A Rebours” by Huysmans (1884). Dark, dead-pan humor along an artistic style & intellectual tone shape its mood - death and simulated suicide constantly hanging over. It never fades into nihilism though. Instead, Harold & Maude can be construed as an inspired parable conveying a simple but authentic philosophy of life, an ode to unbounded love and life freed from social norms & disciplinary institutions.
Wake upWake up第一世界拍的第三電影在雷根主政初期拍攝迅雷资源助手也是某種拋擲土製炸彈的燃火時刻架空世界科幻偽紀錄片感覺幫我複習了女性主義流派與70s論戰(特別是基進與新左)…海盜電台恐怖行動炸雙子星大樓的收尾有中二感(導演果然是個長大後還持續用Lizzie Borden自稱的傢伙呀 XD)