My problem is with the narrator...he's very annoying and moralizing all the time while being one of the douchebags in the show. Escobar's "methods" have faults, but so are any politicians who choose to ignore the poor and the powerless. At least Escobar killed some, and gave money to the rest.
科恩兄弟是少有的既能够建立个人风格却又能够玩转各种类型影片的导演星汉灿烂电视剧免费观看完整版这次他们尝试了“传记片”(影片主人公以Dave Van Ronk为原型)这个类型却没有摆脱科恩兄弟的最大特色:黑色幽默本来是令人心酸的一段日子却因为黑色幽默变得有点举重若轻了当然怀旧情怀和民谣也是影片重要看点