Sincerely written then performed. I did not quite get it the first time watched it then watched the second time third time. A good movie is hard to forget for that I watched this film many years ago yet still it freshly printed in my mind. Every body in the movie made the story/ memory stayed in my head for so many years.
真是生灵的颂歌啊镜头绝了配乐绝了近些年来岛上人口数量的激增、人类活动的频繁祈求千万别给这片净土带来毁灭性后果最后看着岛上的几万只山羊(外来物种)被清掉虽说是为了保护像象龟这些原生植食性动物心里也不是滋味国产精品1000夫妇激情啪发布可能这就是现实的残酷吧在岛上以前是自然法则nothing is guaranteed但有了人类的参与希望是朝好的方向发展