Albert Camus, native of Algiers, tried unsuccessfully to persuade both sides to at least leave civilians alone, writing editorials against the use of torture in Combat newspaper. The FLN considered him a fool, and some Pieds-Noirs considered him a traitor. Algeria war via wiki. 一条路是根深蒂固的传统一条路是别人的文明云飞不能兼容时就先去做宇宙中的一个人果然加缪
Have an open heart, keep an open mind, be the change you wanna see. (怎么感想是陈旧的xx主义鸡汤话但还是想为这几句话站一站可能确实两位主角的stereotype都不太符合一方是被某些观众理解为非stereotype的设定于是过于泛滥的“zz正确”一方则非stereotype且太正确而被认为过于反常反而有点讽刺)(有些想表达的沉重的东西能被作为更广人群能接受的喜剧拍出来比如一边笑一边觉得这本不应该笑但这样的笑点也并没有normalize它云飞觉得是很厉害的)