迷失于自我的人在家庭中找到答案在源头上触碰释然的瞬间为什么找了脱口秀演员皮特·戴维森来演因为他爸死于911而且他不介意拿他爸来开玩笑xd不知道导演是不是故意为之有几个桥段让我觉得在看porn movie消防员、milf前妻、妹妹...幽默倒是很幽默king of America杂糅了巨量美国流行文化破产姐妹第一季未删减版在线播放基本上可以称作美国年轻人的传记片然而作为一部剧情算不上丰富充实的剧情片时长还是拖垮了前半段故事的转折点来得有些迟猜到了转折后几乎所有的点总体来说不够成熟(7.5/10)
You meet someone, you have the safe lunch, you decide you like each other enough to move on to dinner. You go dancing, go back to her place, you have sex and the minute you're finished you wonder How long do I have to lie here and hold her before I can get up and go home?