大卫·雷奇看来是直接把这部速激当死侍来拍了动作风格我是买账的夸张到有些超英化前半部分“乱来”得倒还挺爽但问题是各方面都太不节制了……偶尔嘴炮、调调情卖卖腐会挺有趣全员乱吵那就真的非常糟心公主恋人ova夏洛特不是“get a room”而只想“shut up”全片再短一些就好了
I'm not sure I fully understand the film. But I think I have had an idea of the surreal PTSD thing, the healing power of love and friendship, and Michael Jeter's greatness rather than weakness. BTW, his queer costume did catch my eye, but his pride in wearing it is way more arresting. Hurray for you, Michael!