1、we never do anything without you. Isn't it fun .Joy everywhere.but nothing stays 3.泽塔琼斯真美艳.bobo头果然经典4.监狱那段群舞愤怒的探戈cell block tango真的很震撼在hit the stage里金孝渊选取了这首5.this is chicago.you cant beat fresh blood on the walls.
躁动的失控的情绪I'm not ready/ I'm a total disappointment to everyone/ I need to figure myself out...既不了解自己也不了解这世界说everything is fucked up说世界上都是蠢人……其实世界也没有那么fucked up多的是人过得还不错电视剧冬日惊雷只是那里面没有你A ghost world is like this…所以本应该永远不会来的公交车却来了来带你去一个……嗯随便一个什么地方吧
the clouds are drifting away, so am i... 感动谢天谢地是个温暖的结尾结尾让我想起【电视剧冬日惊雷】