橡皮头款发型闪灵的旅馆福克纳fight club般灵魂摔跤... 房间门口都放着鞋穿的人却彼此隔绝只靠模糊的声音隐约连结;越来越热蚊子吵嚷墙面剥落;Charlie明明可以说自己的故事只能用three of us... me myself & I一句带过;因为Fink was not listening. They were both dripping, ears and hands. A tourist with a typewriter doesn’t live here却狂妄地想做creator消失的凶手 水静先生甚至看到自己的文字出现在圣经鱼贩吆喝卖鱼上帝说要有光 Empathy requires understanding. 换过鞋穿也无法相互理解Don't be silly
Definitely a topic that would interest a Physics aficionado. However, despite the interesting backdrop, this play can be irksome with silly, bitter dialogues at times. Structurally it got more exciting after the halfway point. 007 was hot in it, much more so than the later commercial rubbish that he got stuck in