As a woman, you are born to be vulnerable and fragile, for you are soaked in a world where gender could be something arousing hurt, unfairness, sexual abuse, trafficking, prejudice and discrimination, appearance anxiety……but I have to say that you should protect yourself from these, on the basis, you should try your best to enjoy your womanhood.
Patria 长相思: 风格深沉细腻用八集讲清楚了巴斯克独立斗争时期两个家庭之间的故事全程插叙今昔交织但是节奏非常踏实不花里胡哨我好爱 每一个角色都特别立体当然主角群人数也有限啦事件发生后各人的反应很真实内蕾娅选择纵欲始终挣扎着脱离阴影为自己而活她哥则坚信“幸福是最大的罪行”看来抑郁会导致秃头嗯 p.s. 两家的长姊和长兄太可爱了阿兰查就算瘫痪也又美又飒夏维尔发际线秃秃依然软绵绵请你们说到做到早日结婚(*´ω`*)