一生看过很多剧但真正能反向渗透到自己人生的剧却很少马男开始的时候正好在出国前我出国前状态正是强装坚强的迷茫和隐隐的丧接着出国后两年不出意外的人生低谷阳台适合种什么菜同时看到了马男如何伤害他身边的人他又是曾经如何被伤害他是如何在片场怎样都哭不出来但独自一人的时候抽着烟突然潸然泪下马妈是如何从一个有思想的浪漫的女性变成一个虐待马男的最后连冰淇淋的味道都要靠想象的老人塞拉琳死在广袤的宇宙中突然而轻若鸿毛pc在自己四十岁生日的时候只有手机祝她生日快乐坐在电脑前面独自庆祝生日的我早就哭的不成人形当看到马男头发花白猛然也提醒了我不再是一个刚大学毕业的学生而是一个奔三的成年人的时候又能怎办呢只能和马男一样平静接受这个事实:time is a river without banks.
novel by E.M. Forster // Nature pulls one way and human nature another. // if the mothers of various nations could meet, there would be no more wars // what it would profit him if he gained the whole world and lost his own soul? Nothing, but he would not gain his soul until he had gained a little of the world. // music by Richard Robbins