Just resent the sheer amount of American redneck energy in this movie. It's not a subtle display of anything, just plain and trite. Matt Damon plays the toxic masculine dude who "loves in his own ways".
虽然剧情是青春洋溢 不能细究 情节略有夸张 但三观很正 girl helps girl 从女子帮美甲师出头要走狗狗 到女主坚决帮助客户保守不在场证据的秘密 到Vivian被女主用人品和才华征服 最后到在女主被性侵要放弃的时候 站出来鼓励她的教授 don’t judge by impression, have faith in others and most importantly have faith in yourself. 天生我材必有用 千金散尽还复来